Pupils will be taught to :
LEARNING OUTCOMES Pupils will be able to :
( 3 - 4 Jan )
(7 - 11 Jan )
1.Whole Numbers
1. Number up to seven digits
1. Develop number sense up to seven digits.
Name and write numbers up to seven digits.
Determine the place value of the digits in any whole number of up to seven digits.
Express whole numbers in
a) decimals
b) fractions
of a million and vice versa.
Compare number values up to seven digits
Round off numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands and millions. • Teacher pose numbers in numerals, pupils name the respective numbers and write the number words.
• Teacher says the number names and pupils show the numbers using the calculator or the abacus, then, pupils write the numerals.
1) Provide suitable number line scales and ask pupils to mark the positions that represent a set of given numbers.
• Given a set of numbers, pupils represent each number using the number base blocks or the abacus. Pupils then state the place value of every digit of the given number.
• Given a set of numerals, pupils compare and arrange the numbers in ascending then descending order.
(14-18 Jan )
(21-25 Jan )
(28 Jan -1 Feb )
(4 - 6 Feb )
(11-15 Feb)
(18-22 Feb )
1.Whole Numbers 2. Basic operations with numbers up to seven digits
2. Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers involving numbers up to seven digits.
(i) Add any two to five numbers to 9 999 999.
(ii) Subtract
c) one number from a bigger number less than 10 000 000
d) successively from a bigger number less than 10 000 000.
(iii) Multiply up to six-digit numbers with
a) a one-digit number
b) a two-digit number
c) 10, 100 and 1000.
(iv) Divide numbers of up to seven digits by
a) a one-digit number
b)10, 100 and 1000
c) two-digit number.
(v) Solve problems
a) addition,
b) subtraction,
c) multiplication,
d) division
involving numbers up to seven digits. • Pupils practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using the four-step algorithm of
1. Estimate the solution.
2. Arrange the numbers involved according to place values.
3. Perform the operation.
4. Check the reasonableness of the answer.
• Pose to pupils problems in numerical form, simple sentences, tables and pictures.
• Pupils create stories from given number sentences.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(25-29 Feb )
Monthly Test
( 3 - 7 Mar )
1.Whole Numbers 3. Mixed operations with numbers up to seven digits
3. Perform mixed operations with whole numbers. (i) Compute mixed operations problems involving addition and multiplication.
(ii) Compute mixed operations problems involving subtraction and division.
(iii) Compute mixed operations problems involving brackets.
(iv) Solve problems involving mixed operations on numbers of up to seven digits. • Explain to pupils the conceptual model of mixed operations then connect the concept with the procedures of performing operations according to the order of operations.
• Teacher pose problems verbally, i.e., in the numerical form or simple sentences.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1) Understanding the problem
2) Devising a plan
3) Implementing the plan
4) Looking back.
(17-21 Mar )
2. Fractions 1. Addition of fractions 1. Add three mixed numbers with denominators of up to 10. (i) Add three mixed numbers with the same denominator of up to 10.
(ii) Add three mixed numbers with different denominators of up to 10.
(iii) Solve problems involving addition of mixed numbers. • Demonstrate addition of mixed numbers through
2) paper folding activities
3) fraction charts
4) diagrams
5) number lines
6) multiplication tables
• Pupils create stories from given number sentences involving mixed numbers.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(24-28 Mar) 2. Fractions 2. Subtract of fractions
2. Subtract mixed numbers with denominators of up to 10.
(i) Subtract involving three mixed numbers with the same denominator of up to 10.
(ii) Subtract involving three mixed numbers with different denominators of up to 10.
(iii) Solve problems involving subtraction of mixed numbers. • Demonstrate subtraction of mixed numbers through
1. paper holding activities
2. fractions charts
3. diagrams
4. number lines
5. multiplication tables
• Pupils create stories from given number sentences involving mixed numbers
• Pose to pupils, problems in the real context in the form of
1. words,
2. tables,
3. pictorials.
(30 Mar-4 Apr ) 2. Fractions 3. Multiplication of fractions 3. Multiply any mixed numbers with a whole numbers up to 1000. (i) Multiply mixed numbers with a whole number. • Use materials such as the hundred squares to model multiplication of mixed numbers. For example,
• Present calculation in clear and organised steps.
(7-11 Apr )
2. Fractions 4. Division of fractions 4. Divide fractions with a whole number and a fraction. (i) Divide fractions with
a) a whole number
b) a fraction.
(ii) Divide mixed numbers with
a) a whole number
b) a fraction
• Teacher models the division of fraction with another fraction as sharing. The following illustrations demonstrate this idea…
Half a vessel of liquid poured into a half-vessel makes one full half-vessel.
Half a vessel of liquid poured into a quarter-vessel makes two full quarter-vessels.
( 14-18 Apr) 3. Decimals 1. Mixed operations with decimals 1. Perform mixed operations of addition and subtraction of decimals of up to 3 decimal places.
(i) Add and subtract three to four decimal numbers of up to 3 decimal places, involving
a) decimal numbers only
b) whole numbers and decimal numbers • Pupils add and/or subtract three to four decimal numbers in parts, i.e. by performing one operation at a time in the order of left to right. Calculation steps are expressed in the vertical form.
• The abacus may be used to verify the accuracy of the result of the calculation.
(21-25 Apr) 4. Percentage 1. Relationship between percentage, fraction and decimal 1. Relate fractions and decimals to percentage (i) Convert mixed numbers to percentage.
(ii) Convert decimal numbers of value more than 1 to percentage • Use the hundred-squares to model conversion of mixed numbers to percentage. For example, convert to percentage.
• The shaded parts represent 130% of the hundred-squares.
(28 Apr-2 May) 4. Percentage 1. Relationship between percentage, fraction and decimal 1. Relate fractions and decimals to percentage (iii) Find the value for a given percentage of a quantity.
• Demonstrate the concept of percentage of a quantity using the hundred-squares or multi-based blocks.
The shaded parts of the two hundred-squares is 128% of 100.
• Guide pupils to find the value for percentage of a quantity through some examples, such as
45% of 10
(28 Apr-2 May) 4. Percentage 1. Relationship between percentage, fraction and decimal 1. Relate fractions and decimals to percentage (iv) Solve problems in real context involving relationships between percentage, fractions and decimals. • Pupils create stories from given percentage of a quantity.
• Pose to pupils, situational problems in the form of words, tables and pictorials.
(5-9 May) 5. Money 1. Money up to RM10 million 1. Use and apply number sense in real context involving money. (i) Perform mixed operations with money up to a value of RM10 million.
• Provide to pupils a situation involving money where mixed operations need to be performed. Then, demonstrate how the situation is transformed to a number sentence of mixed operations.
• Pupils solve mixed operations involving money in the usual proper manner by writing number sentences in the vertical form.
(5-9 May 5. Money 1. Money up to RM10 million 1. Use and apply number sense in real context involving money. (ii) Solve problems in real context involving computation of money.
• Pose problems involving money in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(12-16 May ) 6. Time 1. Duration 1. Use and apply knowledge of time to find the duration. (i) Calculate the duration of an event in between
a) months
b) years
c) dates.
(ii) Compute time period from situations expressed in fractions of duration. • Pupils find the duration from the start to the end of an event from a given situation with the aid of the calendar, schedules and number lines.
(20-23 May )
EXAM 6. Time 1. Duration 1. Use and apply knowledge of time to find the duration. (iii) Solve problem in real context involving computation of time duration.
• Pose problems involving computation of time in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(9-13 Jun ) 7. Length 1. Computation of length 1. Use and apply fractional computation to problems involving length. (i) Compute length from a situation expressed in fraction. • Use scaled number lines or paper strips to model situations expressed in fractions.
of 4 km.
(9-13 Jun ) 7. Length 1. Computation of length 1. Use and apply fractional computation to problems involving length. (ii) Solve problem in real context involving computation of length. • Pose problems involving computation of length in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(16-20 Jun ) 8. Mass 1. Computation of mass 1. Use and apply fractional computation to problems involving mass. (i) Compute mass from a situation expressed in fraction. • Use the spring balance, weights and an improvised fractional scale to verify computations of mass.
(16-20 Jun )
8. Mass 1. Computation of mass 1. Use and apply fractional computation to problems involving mass. (ii) Solve problem in real context involving computation of mass. • Pose problems involving computation of mass in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(23-27 Jun )
(23-27 Jun ) 9. Volume of liquid 1. Computation of liquid 1. Use and apply fractional computation to problems involving volume of liquid. (i) Compute volume of liquid from a situation expressed in fraction
(ii) Solve problem in real context involving computation of volume of liquid. • Use the measuring cylinder and an improvised fractional scale to verify computations of volumes of liquid.
• Pose problems involving volume of liquid in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(30 Jun – 4 July) 10. Shape and space 1. Two-dimensional shapes 1. Find the perimeter and area of composite two-dimensional shapes. (i) Find the perimeter of a two-dimensional composite shape of two or more quadrilaterals and triangles.
(ii) Find the area of a two-dimensional composite shape of two or more quadrilaterals and triangles. • Pupils construct two-dimensional composite shapes on the geo-board or graph paper. Pupils then measure the perimeter of the shapes.
• Teacher provides a two-dimensional composite shape with given dimensions. Pupils calculate the perimeter of the shape.
• Pupils construct two-dimensional composite shapes on the geo-board or graph paper. Pupils then find the area of the shapes.
• Teacher provides a two-dimensional composite shape with given dimensions. Pupils calculate the area of the shape.
(7-11 July ) 10. Shape and space 1. Two-dimensional shapes 1. Find the perimeter and area of composite two-dimensional shapes. (iii) Solve problems in real contexts involving calculation of perimeter and area of two-dimensional shapes.
• Pose problems of finding perimeters and areas of 2-D shapes in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1. Understanding the problem
2. Devising a plan
3. Implementing the plan
4. Looking back.
(14-18 July ) 10. Shape and space 2. Three-dimensional shapes 1. Find the surface area and volume of composite three-dimensional shapes (i) Find the surface area of a three-dimensional composite shape of two or more cubes and cuboids. • Pupils draw net according to the given measurements, cut out the shape and fold to make a three-dimensional shape. Next, unfold the shape and use the graph paper to find the area. Verify that the area is the surface area of the 3-D shape.
• Teacher provides a three-dimensional composite shape with given dimensions. Pupils calculate the surface area of the shape.
(14-18 July 10. Shape and space 2. Three-dimensional shapes 1. Find the surface area and volume of composite three-dimensional shapes (ii) Find volume of a three-dimensional composite shape of two or more cubes and cuboids. • Pupils construct three-dimensional composite shapes using the Diene’s blocks. The volume in units of the block is determined by mere counting the number of blocks.
• Teacher provides a three-dimensional composite shape with given dimensions. Pupils calculate the volume of the shape.
(21-25 July ) 10. Shape and space 2. Three-dimensional shapes 1. Find the surface area and volume of composite three-dimensional shapes (iii) Solve problems in real contexts involving calculation of surface area and volume of three-dimensional shapes. • Pose problems of finding surface area and volume of 3-D shapes in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1) Understanding the problem
2) Devising a plan
3) Implementing the plan
4) Looking back.
(28 July-1 Ogos )
Monthly Test 11. Data Handling 1. Average 1. Understand and compute average. (i) Calculate the average of up to five numbers. • Arrange four stacks of coins as in the diagram below. Pupils tabulate the number of coins in each stack. Ask pupils what would be the number of coins in each stack if the coins were evenly distributed. Pupils share among the class on how they arrive at the average number.
• Teacher demonstrates how the average is calculated from a given set of data.
(4-8 Ogos ) 11. Data Handling 1. Average 1. Understand and compute average. (ii) Solve problems in real contexts involving average.
• Pose problems involving average in numerical form, simple sentences, tables or pictures.
• Teacher guides pupils to solve problems following Polya’s four-step model of
1) Understanding the problem
2) Devising a plan
3) Implementing the plan
4) Looking back.
( 11-15 Ogos )
11. Data Handling
2. Organising and interpreting data
1. Organise and interpret data from tables and chrts.
(i) Construct a pie chart from a given set of data.
• Teacher prepares some templates in the form of circular fraction charts and a suitable data set. Teacher then guides pupils to select the right template to begin constructing the pie chart
(25-29 Ogos )
UPSR 11. Data Handling 2. Organising and interpreting data 1. Organise and interpret data from tables and chrts. (ii) Determine the frequency, mode, range, mean, maximum and minimum value from a pie chart. • Teacher provides a pie chart and guides pupils to extract information from the chart to construct a data table. Remind the meaning of frequency, mode, range, etc.
• Pupils discuss and present their findings and understanding of charts and tables.
• The electronic spreadsheet may be used to aid the understanding of charts and tables.
32 - 36 REVISION ( Exercises )
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